There are a few competing modding APIs for Minecraft. The technical differences are vast, and I wanted to level the performance playing field between the two. In my office, I have a new gaming PC with 32GB of RAM, an AMD 3600 and a 2080ti our other PC is a five-year-old Alienware Alpha with integrated Nvidia graphics, a 4th generation i5, and I’ve added 16GB of RAM. The one issue was that we were all using vastly different PCs.
I wanted to create a place for myself and few friends. I recently spent some time setting up a small Minecraft server on an old PC. So I’m also downloading a hot single with 2TB of RAM right now, just in case. You can boost Minecraft’s performance significantly, even on low-end or old computers. But as downloader and tester, I did just that and discovered that the claims were true. When I first read about the Minecraft java mods that could triple the game’s framerate, I took it in the same spirit as those programs that claim you can download more RAM, or various sites telling me about hot singles in my area.