NOTE: When the ACTIVE BOOST is not engaged, the pedal is completely passive and can work without power. When plugged in it will bypass the internal battery.
9V: Plug a 9V Negative Tip Positive Ring DC adaptor in here.RECEIVE: This is connected to the output of the effects in the feedback loop.If left unconnected it is connected internally to the receive jack. SEND: Connect this to the input of the effect (or chain of effects) you would like to control and warp.OUTPUT: The output of the Total Sonic Annihilation 2 is here.INPUT: Plug an instrument into this jack.LIMIT: Limits the output volume of the entire pedal only when the ACTIVE BOOST is engaged.It’s an oscillator, it’s a fuzz, it’s a sonic. The Total Sonic Annihilation 2, however, is not one of these.
For every few instruments of sonic terror in their line, there is a completely practical and masterfully executed stomp like the Fuzz War or Interstellar Overdriver. Experience true sonic exploration: every unique pedal array will produce a vast world of textures and possibilities. The TSA2 works on a simple premise: what if effect pedals were patched back into themselves? What does it sound like for a filter to be multiplied by infinity? Or if your modulator was modulating its own modulations? The TSA2 creates a controllable feedback loop, causing your pedals to cycle back on themselves, feeding the output back into the input as much or as little as you want.